Many people overlook the subtle details of properly cutting out their
patterns and materials. Now you can cut like a pro.
The Rotary
Cutting Guidebook
This is an tool you need if you are
a beginner or even if you consider yourself more advanced.
This ebook teaches you how to do
all your cutting faster, easier, and more accurately.
You will learn about
scissors, shears, trimmers, snips, and rippers. But you will also learn about advanced cutting with
rotary cutters.
To sew and quilt today you need
good quality scissors, rippers, and of course good rotary cutting tools, mats, and rulers. All of
these are revealed in depth in
The Rotary Cutting Guidebook
Learn How To Sew
Sewing Pattern Weights
Sewing patterns tend to be printed on a light and flimsy paper. No problem there
-- except that light and flimsy means it's likely to be blown or nudged away at first chance! You
need some way to set the pattern in place on top of the piece of fabric you're cutting.
Most people follow one of two conventions -- they pin, or they weight.
Pinning works fine -- you pin the pattern to the fabric. Downside is that it
takes extra time to do all that pinning. Plus -- if you need to move or adjust the pattern later,
you've got to un-pin and re-pin to do so!
Weighting is easier -- just use some solid weights to hold the paper in place.
Quick to do and easy to adjust! You must be careful not to use weights with sharp edges else you
may tear the paper.
Sewing stores sell a variety of low and flat weights suitable for this purpose.
Some people use cat food or tuna fish cans -- but you've got to be careful of those edges.
Or -- you could make your own weights for pennies. Literally!
Sew a few small bags from scraps of fabric, then stuff them with a handful of
pennies! Close up the bag and you've got a secure pattern weight with a soft bottom that "adjusts"
itself when you set it in place (so no torn patterns!).
It's easy to sew a handful of these pattern weights -- takes little time and
you'll use up those fabric scraps that are too small for anything else. Plus, it'll only cost you